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- Published Research Papers
- Academic Presentations
2024 | “Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound and Quality of Life (RBAC-QoL) of Cancer Patients: An Interim Analysis of the RBAC-QoL Study” Soo Liang Ooi, Peter S. Micalos, Rob Zielinski, Sok Cheon Pak Cureus 16(1): e53188. doi:10.7759/cureus.53188 |
2023 | “Importance of the Frequency at Using Immunomodulatory Therapies with Evidence Based and Standardized Plant” Tibor Hajto Japanese Journal of Medical Research, 2023, Volume 1, Issue 2 |
2023 | “Efficiency of Biobran/MGN-3, an Arabinoxylan Rice Bran, in Attenuating Diabetes-Induced Cognitive Impairment of the Hippocampus via Oxidative Stress and IR/Akt/NF-kB in Rats” Heba M. Abdou, Fatma A. Hamaad, Ghada M. Abd Elmageed, and Mamdooh H. Ghoneum Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2023, Article ID 8248576, 10 pages, 2023. |
2023 | “Rice Bran: From Waste to Nutritious Food Ingredients” Tan, Bee Ling, Mohd Esa Norhaizan, and Lee Chin Chan Nutrients 2023, 15, 2503. |
2023 | “Changes in the Human Gut Microbiome during Dietary Supplementation with Modified Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound” Emily Schupfer, Soo Liang Ooi, Thomas C Jeffries, Shaoyu Wang, Peter S Micalos, Sok Cheon Pak Molecules. 2023; 28(14):5400. |
2023 | “Biobran/MGN-3, an Arabinoxylan Rice Bran, Protects against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): An In Vitro and In Silico Study” Mamdooh Ghoneum, Shaymaa Abdulmalek and Hewida H. Fadel Nutrients 2023, 15(2), 453 |
2023 | “Is there any hepatic impact associated with rice bran arabinoxylan compound supplementation? A systematic review and dose–response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials” Morvarid Noormohammadi, Zeinab Ghorbani, Hossein Shahinfar, Farzad Shidfar Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2023 Oct:57:665-675. |
2023 | “Modified Rice Bran Arabinoxylan by Lentinus edodes Mycelial Enzyme as an Immunoceutical for Health and Aging-A Comprehensive Literature Review” Ooi, Soo Liang, Peter S. Micalos, and Sok Cheon Pak Molecules. 2023; 28(17):6313. |
2023 | “Modified rice bran arabinoxylan as a nutraceutical in health and disease—A scoping review with bibliometric analysis” Soo Liang Ooi,Peter S. Micalos,Sok Cheon Pak PLoS One. 2023 Aug 31;18(8):e0290314. |
2022 | “The Natural Killer Cell in Anticancer Therapy – An Important Role for Natural Compounds” Professor Serge Jurasunas Townsend Letter – AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 |
2022 | “Enhancing effect of streptozotocin-induced insulin deficit on antitumor innate immune defense in rats” Hajto Tibor, Péczely László, Kuzma Monika, Hormay Edina, Ollmann Tamás, Jaksó Pál, Baranyai Lilla and Karádi Zoltán Research and Review Insights, 2022, Volume 6 |
2021 | “RBAC and Its Role with the Immune System” Fred Pescatore, Carmelo Prestano, Malka Kichikova ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, JANUARY 2022 VOL. 28 NO. 1 |
2021 | “BioBran, Immuno Modulating Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound: Functions and Evidence” Naoki Igari Food processing and ingredients, Vol.55, No.10 |
2021 | “Effect of rice bran arabinoxylan on immunity” Naoki Igari FOOD Style 21, January, 2021 (Vol.25 No.1) |
2021 | “Protective Effect of Biobran/MGN-3 against Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model: Possible Role of Oxidative Stress and Apoptotic Pathways” Mamdooh H. Ghoneum Nesrine S. El Sayed Hindawi Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Volume 2021, Article ID 8845064, 15 pages |
2021 | “Dietary Supplementation with Biobran/MGN-3 Increases Innate Resistance and Reduces the Incidence of Influenza-like Illnesses in Elderly Subjects: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Clinical Trial” Ahmed F. Elsaid, Sudhanshu Agrawal, Anshu Agrawal and Mamdooh Ghoneum Nutrients 2021, 13, 4133 |
2021 | “The Health-Promoting Properties and Clinical Applications of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Modified with Shiitake Mushroom Enzyme—A Narrative Review” Soo Liang Ooi, Sok Cheon Pak , Peter S. Micalos, Emily Schupfer, Catherine Lockley 1 ,Mi Houn Park and Sung-Joo Hwang Molecules 2021 Apr 27;26(9):2539. |
2020 | “Standardized Plant Immunomodulator Increases the Effect of MEK and BRAF Inhibitors with Clinical Benefit. Case Report of a Patient with Carcinoma in Biliary Duct” T. Hajto Biomedical Research and Clinical Reviews Auctores Publishing, 2020 |
2020 | “Can standardized and evidence based plant immunomodulator (rice bran arabinoxylan concentrate) increase the effect of Gemcitabine in a synergistic manner? Case report of a patient with ductal pancreas carcinoma” T. Hajto Res Rev Insights, 2020 |
2020 | “Chemopreventive role of arabinoxylan rice bran, MGN-3/Biobran, on liver carcinogenesis in rats” M. Ghoneum et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 126, 2020 |
2020 | “The Immunomodulating Effects of Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (Lentin) on Hematologic Profile, Nutritional Status and Quality of Life among Head and Neck Carcinoma Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy: A Double Blind Randomized Control Trial” Dorothy Faye S. Tan, Jerickson Abbie S. Flores, Jose R. Reyes Radiology Journal 12, 2020 |
2020 | “Arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) alleviates radiation-induced intestinal barrier dysfunction of mice in a mitochondrion-dependent manner” Zhenguo Zhao, Wei Cheng, Wei Qu, Kai Wang Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 124, 2020 |
2020 | “Cardiovascular, endothelial function, and immune markers in response to treatment with a polysaccharide in HIV+ adults in a randomized, doubleblind placebo-controlled trial” John E. Lewis, Steven E. Atlas, Muhammad H. Abbas, Ammar Rasul, Ashar Farooqi, Laura A. Lantigua, Frederick Michaud1, Sharon Goldberg, Lucas C. Lages, Jinrun Gao, Oscar L. Higuera, Andrea Fiallo, Philip D. Harvey, Eduard Tiozzo, Judi M. Woolger, Stephanie Ciraula, Armando Mendez, Allan Rodriguez, Janet Konefal Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2020; 5(3): 140-147 |
2019 | “Arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) enhances radiotherapy in animals bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma” Nariman K. Badr El-Din, Said K. Areida, Kvan O. Ahmed Journal of Radiation Research, 2019 |
2018 | “The Novel Effects of a Hydrolyzed Polysaccharide Dietary Supplement on Immune, Hepatic, and Renal Function in Adults with HIV in a Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Control Trial” J. Lewis, et al. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2018 |
2018 | “New Perspectives to Improve the MHC-I Unrestricted Immune Mechanisms against Malignant Tumors” T. Hajto Advances in Clinical and Translational Research Volume 2, Issue 3, 2018 |
2018 | “The Effect of a Hydrolyzed Polysaccharide Dietary Supplement on Biomarkers in Adults with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease” J. Lewis, et al. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2018, 2018 |
2017 | “Urgent Necessity for Standardized and Evidence Based Plant Immunomodulators (Such As Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Concentrate/MGN-3) for the Tumor Research” T. Hajto Internationa Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine Volume 9 Issue 3, 2017 |
2017 | “Evidence-Based Review of BioBran/MGN-3 Arabinoxylan Compound as a Complementary Therapy for Conventional Cancer Treatment” S.L. Ooi, D. McMullen, T. Golombick, S.C. Pak Integrative Cancer Therapies 1–14, 2017 |
2017 | “Can a standardized plant immunomodulator (rice bran arabinoxylan concentrate/MGN-3) increase the effects of MEK and BRAF inhibitors with clinical benefit? Case report of a patient with carcinoma in biliary duct” T. Hajto Research and Review Insights, Volume 1(3), 1-4, 2017 |
2017 | “Modified rice bran hemicellulose inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor-induced angiogenesis in vitro via VEGFR2 and its downstream signaling pathways” X. Zhu et al. Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health Vol. 36 (2), 45–53, 2017 |
2016 | “Arabinoxylan rice bran (Biobran) suppresses the viremia level in patients with chronic HCV infection: A randomized trial*” H. Salama, E. Medhat, M. Shaheen, Abdel-Rahman N Zekri, T. Darwish, M. Ghoneum International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 1–7 |
2016 | “From Bench to Bedside: The Growing Use of Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3/Biobran) in Cancer Immunotherapy” M. Ghoneum Austin Immunol – Volume 1 Issue 2 |
2016 | “Can the EGFR inhibitors increase the immunomodulatory effects of standardized plant extracts (mistletoe lectin and arabonoxylan) with clinical benefit? Case report of a patient with lung adenocarcinoma” T. Hajto, A.Horváth, L. Baranyai, M. Kuzma, P. Perjési Clinical Case Reports and Reviews Volume 2(6): 456-459 |
2016 | “Addition of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan to Curcumin Therapy May Be of Benefit to Patients With Early-Stage B-Cell Lymphoid Malignancies (Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance, Smoldering Multiple Myeloma, or Stage 0/1 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia):A Preliminary Clinical Study” T. Golombick, T. H. Diamond, A. Manoharan, R. Ramakrishna Integrative Cancer Therapies January-March 2016: 1–7 |
2016 | “Chemopreventive Activity of MGN-3/Biobran Against Chemical Induction of Glandular Stomach Carcinogenesis in Rats and Its Apoptotic Effect in Gastric Cancer Cells” Nariman K. Badr El-Din, S. M. Abdel Fattah, D. Pan, L. Tolentino, M. Ghoneum Integrative Cancer Therapies April-June 2016: 1–9 |
2016 | “Improvement of Quality of Life in Tumor Patients after an Immunomodulatory Treatment with Standardized Mistletoe Lectin and Arabinoxylan Plant Extracts” T. Hajto, A. Horváth, S. Papp International Journal of Neurorehabilitation Vol.3, doi:10.4172/2376-0281.1000205 |
2015 | “Can a synergistic activation of pattern recognition receptors by plant immunomodulators enhance the effect of oncologic therapy? Case Report of a patient with uterus and ovary sarcoma” T. Hajto, L. Baranyai, A. Kirsch, M. Kuzma, P. Perjesi Clin Case Rep Rev, Vol. 1 (10), 235-238 |
2015 | “Arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) enhances natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity against neuroblastoma, in vitro and in vivo” R. Handgretinger, M. M. Pfeiffer, et al. Cytotherapy, 2015 |
2014 | MGN-3/biobran enhances generation of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells via upregulation of dec-205 expression on dendritic cells M. Ghoneum, S. Agrawal International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, Vol.27, No.4, 523-530, 2014 |
2014 | “Therapeutic Effects of BioBran, Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran, in Improving Symptoms of Diarrhea Predominant or Mixed Type Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Pilot, Randomized Controlled Study” T. Kamiya, et al. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014 |
2014 | “Modified Arabinoxylan from Rice Bran, MGN-3/Biobran, sensitizes Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells to Paclitaxel in Vitro” M. Ghoneum et al Anticancer Research, 34, 81-88 |
2013 | “Case Reports of Cancer Patients with Hepatic Metastases Treated by Standard Plant Immunomodulatory Preparations” T. Hajito, A. Kirsch Journal of Cancer Research Updates, 2, 1-9 |
2013 | “”BIOBRAN MGN-3″; Effect of reducing side effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients” Dr. Ahmad Ijaz Masood, Dr. Rabeeta Sheikh, Dr. Rana Atique Anwer The Profesional Medical Journal Jan-Feb 2013;20(1): 013-016 |
2013 | “A case of stage IV hepatocellular carcinoma treated by KM900, Biobran, and psychotherapy has presented significant good results” K. Meshitsuka Personalized Medicine Universe (Japanese Edition) vol. 1, No. 1, 46-48 |
2013 | “Arabinoxylan rice bran(MGN-3/Biobran) provides protection against whole-body γ-irradiation in mice via restoration of hematopoietic tissues” M. Ghoneum et al Journal of Radiation Research |
2013 | “MGN-3 arabinoxylan rice bran modulates innate immunity in multiple myeloma patients” D. Cholujova et al Cancer Immunol Immunother, Mar, 62(3), 437-445 |
2012 | “Evaluation of a flow cytometry-based assay for natural killer cell activity in clinical settings” Valiathan, R., Lewis, J. E., Melillo A., Leonard S., Ali, K. H., & Asthana, D. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 75, 455-462. |
2012 | “Protective effect of low molecular fraction of MGN-3, a modified arabinoxylan from rice bran,on acute liver injury by inhibition of NF-кB and JNK/MAPK expression” S.Zheng, S. Sugita, S. Hirai, and Y. Egashira International Immunopharmacology, 14, 764-769 |
2012 | “An open-label, randomized clinical trial to assess the immunomodulatory activity of a novel oligosaccharide compound in healthy adults” J. Lewis et al Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 2(7), 265-279 |
2012 | “Suppressive Effect of Modified Arabinoxylan from Rice Bran (MGN-3) on D-Galactosamine-Induced IL-18 Expression and Hepatitis in Rats” Y. Egashira et al Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 76(5), 942-946 |
2011 | “Synergistic apoptotic effect of Arabinoxylan rice bran(MGN-3/Biobran)and Curcumin(Turmeric) on human multiple myelanoma cell line U266 in vivo” M. Ghoneum, S. Gollapudi Neoplasma, 58, 2 |
2010 | “Arabinoxylan Rice Bran(MGN-3) Enhances the Effects of Interventional Therapies for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Three-year Randomized Clinical Trial” M. Ghoneum, M. Bang, et al Anticancer Research, 30, 12, 5145-5152 |
2010 | “Functionality of Biobran (Rice Bran Arabinoxylan) – Focusing on the Promotion Effect of Dendiritic Cell Maturation” H. Kato, et al New Food Industry, 52, 6, 17-23 |
2009 | “BioBran-augmented maturation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells” D. Cholujova, et al Neoplasma, 56, 2, 89-96 |
2008 | “Antioxidant potential by arabinoxylan rice bran, MGN-3/biobran, represents a mechanism for its oncostatic effect against solid Ehrlich carcinoma” M. Ghoneum, et al Cancer Letters, 268(2), 348-359 |
2008 | “Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3/BioBran) Enhances Intracellular Killing Microbes by Human Phagocytic Cells in Vitro” M.Ghoneum, M.Matuura and S.Gollapudi International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 21, 1, 87-95 |
2008 | “In Vivo Tumor Inhibitory Effects of Nutritional Rice Bran Supplement MGN-3/Biobran on Ehrlich Carcinoma-Bearing Mice” M. Ghoneum, et al Nutrition and Cancer, 60(2), 235-244 |
2008 | “MGN-3/Biobran,modified arabinoxylan from rice bran, sensitizes human breast cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agent, daunorubicin” S. Gollapudi, M. Ghoneum, et al Cancer Detection and Prevention, 32, 1-6 |
2006 | “Metastatic Hemangiopericytoma of the Skin Treated with Wide Local Excision and MGN-3” J. Markus, A. Miller, M. Smith, I. Orengo Dermatologic Surgery, 32, 145-147 |
2005 | “Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3/BioBran) Enhances Yeast-induced Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro” M. Ghoneum, S. Gollapudi Anticancer Research, 25, 859-870 |
2004 | “Experience with Administration of BioBran in Patients with Chronic Rheumatism” K. Ichihashi Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, 14, 4, 459-463 |
2004 | “The Life Prolongation and QOL Improvement Effect of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Derivative (MGN-3, BioBran) for Progressive Cancer” K. Takahara, et al Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, 14, 3, 267-271 |
2004 | “A Case Where an Immunomodulatory Food was Effective in Conservative Therapy for Progressive Terminal Pancreatic Cancer” K. Kaketani Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, 14, 3, 273-279 |
2004 | “One Case of a Patient with Umbilical Metastasis of Recurrent Cancer (Sister Mary Joseph’s Nodule, SMJN) Who has Survived for a Long Time under Immnomodulatory Supplement Therapy” T. Kawai Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, 14, 3, 281-288 |
2004 | “The Clinical Significance of BioBran in the Immunotherapy for Cancer” Y. Okamura Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, 14, 3, 289-294 |
2004 | “Enhancement of natural killer cell activity of aged mice by modified arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/BioBran)” M. Ghoneum, S. Abedi Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 56, 12, 1581-1588 |
2004 | “Augmentation of Macrophage Phagocytosis by Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3/BioBran)” M. Ghoneum, M. Matsuura International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 17, 3, 283-292 |
2003 | “Modified arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/BioBran) sensitizes human T cell leukemia cells to death receptor (CD95)-induced apoptosis” M. Ghoneum, S. Gollapudi Cancer Letters, 201, 41-49 |
2003 | “Modified Rice Bran Beneficial for Weight Loss of Mice as a Major and Acute Adverse Effect of Cisplatin” Y. Endo, H. Kanbayashi Pharmacology and Toxiology, 92, 300-303 |
2002 | “Modified Rice Bran Improves Glucose Tolerance in NIDDM Adult Rats Given Streptozocin as Neonates” I. Ohara, et al Aichi Gakusen University collected papers, 37, 17-23 |
2001 | “The basic study of arabinoxylan compound (MGN-3) on the activation of vital defense” N. Sudo, et al Clinical Research, 78, 1, 193-196 |
2001 | “The Effect of MGN-3 on Cisplatin and Doxorubicin Induced Toxicity in the Rat” H. I. Jacoby, G. Wnorowski, K. Sakata, et al Journal of Nutraceuticals, Functional & Medical Foods, 3(4) |
2000 | “Effects of Modified Rice Bran on Serum Lipids and Taste Preference in Streptozocin-induced Diabetic Rats” I. Ohara, R. Tabuchi, K. Onai Nutrition Research, 20, 1, 59-66 |
2000 | “Production of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Interferon-γ from Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes by MGN-3, Modified Arabinoxylan from Rice Bran, and Its Synergy with Interleukin-2 In Vitro” M. Ghoneum, A. Jewett Cancer Detection and Prevention, 24, 4, 314-324 |
1999 | “NK Inmmunorestration of Cancer patients by MGN-3, a Modified Arabinoxylane Rice Bran (Study of 32 Patients up to 4 years)” M. Ghoneum, J. Brown Anti-Aging Medical Therapeutics, 3, 217-216 |
1999 | “Anti-HIV activity in Vitro of MGN-3 an Activated Arabinoxylan from Rice Bran” M. Ghoneum Biochemical & Biophysical Research Commnunication, 243, 25-29 |
1998 | “Enhancement of Human Natural Killer Cell activity by Modified Arabinoxylan from Rice Bran” M. Ghoneum International Journal of Immunotherapy, XV, 2, 89-99 |
6.2023 | Biobran (MGN-3) acts through toll-like receptor-4 (TRL-4) and reverses the detrimental effects of hyperglycaemia on phagocytosis 04 June 2023 – 09 June 2023, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, United States. Shah, Sana, El Mohtadi, Mohamed and Ashworth, Jason |
6.2023 | Biobran (MGN-3) enhances host-pathogen interaction in an in vitro hyperglycaemic model of an infected diabetic foot ulcer 04 June 2023 – 09 June 2023, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, United States. Shah, Sana, El Mohtadi, Mohamed and Ashworth, Jason |
6.2023 | Biobran (MGN-3) concurrently reverses lipopolysaccharide-induced elevation of CD14 and impairment of macrophage-mediated bacterial clearance in a model of diabetic wound biofilms 04 June 2023 – 09 June 2023, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, United States. Asif, Mohammed Subhan, El Mohtadi, Mohamed and Ashworth, Jason |
6.2023 | “Determining the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which Biobran (MGN-3) mediates innate immunity in a hyperglycaemic model of a diabetic foot ulcer infection” 04 June 2023 – 09 June 2023, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, United States. Shah, Sana, El Mohtadi, Mohamed and Ashworth, Jason |
4.2019 | “From Bench to Bedside: The Role of Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3/Biobran) in Cancer Immunotherapy” Convention Cernter Medical Campus Tanta Unibersity Tanta, Egypt M. Ghoneum |
4.2016 | “Prevention of hepatocarcinogenesis in rats by arabinoxylan rice bran, MGN-3/Biobran” AACR Annual Meeting 2016, New Orleans, USA N. K. Badr El-Din, Doaa A. Ali, R. Othman, M. Ghoneum |
3.2016 | “Effects of indigestible polysaccharides on obesity related metabolic diseases and inflammation” 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, USA Y. Egashira |
4.2015 | “Biobran/MGN-3, arabinoxylan from rice bran, sensitizes breast adenocarcinoma tumor cells to paclitaxol in mice” American Association for Cancer Research, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA M. Ghoneum (Drew University of Medicine and Science), et al |
9.2011 | “From bench to bedside: The use of arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) in cancer medicine” The 1st Annual Meeting (The Middle-Eastern Association for Cancer Research), Tanta, Egypt M. Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
8.2010 | “The Effect of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound on Glucose Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle” American Physiological Society International Meeting, Denver, USA F. Kimura (Tsukuba University), et al |
4.2010 | “RBAC, a modified form of Arabinoxylan from rice bran, impairs prostate cancer cell line proliferation, adhesion, and invasion in vitro” 101st Annual Meeting for the American Associate for Cancer Research, Washington, USA K. Ali (Pharmacognosia), et al |
10.2009 | “Study on the Active Ingredients and Mechanism of BioBran (MGN-3) in Inhibiting D-Galactosamine-Induced Liver Damage” 14th meeting of Japanese Association for Dietary Fiber Research, Gifu, Japan Y. Egashira (Chiba University), et al |
9.2009 | “Effects Of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound On Gut Immunity In Response To Exhaustive Intense Exercise” Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, Niigata, Japan F. Kimura (Tsukuba University), et al |
5.2009 | “Effects Of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound On Intense Exercise-induced Secretory Immunoglobulin A Suppression In Rats” American College of Sports Medicine 2009 Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA F. Kimura (Tsukuba University), et al |
5.2009 | “Effects Of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound On Gut Immunity In Response To Exhaustive Intense Exercise” American College of Sports Medicine 2009 Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA K. Shimizu (Waseda University), et al |
10.2008 | “The Anti-inflammatory and Immunomodulating Effects of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound on Irritable Bowel Syndrome” The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Journal of Gastroenterology, Tokyo, Japan T. Kamiya, M. Shikano and T. Joh (Nagoya City University) |
7.2007 | “Rice Bran Supplement (MGN-3/Biobran) Suppresses Tumor Growth via Modulating Cytokine Production and Increasing Apoptotic Level in Ehrlich Carcinoma-bearing Mice” Federation of Clinical Immunology Society (FOCiS2007), San Diego, USA M. Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science), et al |
9.2006 | “Phytonutrient-Therapy and Immune System Support for Patients with Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer” 3rd Annual Anti-Aging Conference London 2006, London, UK B.L Pfeifer (Aeskular Cancer Centre) |
7.2006 | “In Vivo Tumor Inhibitory Effects of Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3/biobran) on Ehrlich Carcinoma-Bearing Mice” International Research Conference on Food and Cancer, Washington D.C., USA M. Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science), et al |
6.2006 | “Effect of Modified Arabinoxylan from Rice Bran(MGN-3/Biobran)On Human Neutrophils and Monocyte Functions In Vitro” Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA M. Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science), et al |
5.2005 | “Improving effect of hydrolyzed rice bran on diabetic rats given high-carbohydrate feed” The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science, Tokyo, Japan N. Kitamura, I. Ohara (Aichi Gakusen University), et al |
11.2004 | “Immunomodulatory Activity of Enzyme-treated Rice Bran Hemicellulose” Japanese Association for Dietary Fiber Research, Chiba, Japan T. Miura (Hirosaki University, School of Medicine) and Y. Kato (Faculty of Education, Hirosaki University), et al |
9.2004 | “Chemical Structure of Immunostimulating Substances from Rice Bran” 2004 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience and 12th Symposium on Amylases and Related Enzymes, Kagoshima, Japan T. Miura, M. Chiba, Y. Miyazaki, Y. Kato (Hirosaki University), et al. |
9.2004 | “Hydrolyzed Rice Bran Reduces the Aggravation of Protein Metabolism in the Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats” American College of Nutrition, 45th Annual Meeting, Long Beach, USA N. Kitamura, I. Ohara (Aichi Gakusen University), et al |
8.2004 | “The Oral Administration of Hydrolyzed Rice Bran Prevents the Common Cold Syndrome in the Elderly” 21st Symposium of Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU, Toyama, Japan K. Omura (Dokkyo University School of Medicine), K. Ichihashi (Ichihashi Clinic), T. Fujie (Atreju Uosaki), M. Kudo, X. Zhu (Daiwa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), K. Tazawa (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University) et al |
8.2004 | “Evaluation of the Effect of Hydrolyzed Rice Bran on Reducing Respiratory Symptom in the Smokers” 21st Symposium of Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU, Toyama, Japan K. Omura (Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Department of Legal Medicine), M. Kudo (Daiwa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), N. Nakamichi (The Jikei University, N.S. Clinic) et al |
7.2004 | “Modified arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran), Potentiates Chemotherapy-induced Apoptosis in Human Breast Cencer Cells” International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Cancer, Washington D.C., USA M. Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science), et al |
6.2004 | “Effect of the Oral Administration of Hydrolyzed Rice Bran (HRB) on the Common Cold Syndrome in the Elderly” 4th Conference of Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, Tokyo, Japan K. Omura (Dokkyo University School of Medicine), K. Ichihashi (Ichihashi Clinic), K. Tazawa (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University) |
12.2003 | “The effect in the physiological function of a Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran” Japan Society for Biological Therapy, Toyama, Japan M. Masada (Chiba University), K. Tazawa (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University) et al |
12.2003 | “Effect of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan and Shark Lipid Extract on Complementary and Alternative Therapy” 7th Conference of Japanese Association for Alternative, Complementary and Traditional Medicine (JACT), Kobe, Japan T. Omori (Ginza San Espero Omori Clinic) |
10.2003 | “A Novel Approach to Breast Cancer Therapy: Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3/Biobran) Enhances Apoptosis of Human Breast Cancer Cells Following Phagocytosis of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, the Baker’s Yeast, in vitro” American Association for Cancer Research, Huntington Beach, USA M.Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) and S. Gollapudi (University of California Irvine) |
10.2003 | “Immunoactivation therapy for various progressive cancers using rice bran arabinoxylan derivative (Bio Bran)” The Japanese Society for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Sendai, Japan H. Tsunekawa (Tsunekawa Gastrointestinal Clinic) et al |
11.2002 | “Effect of Enzyme-processed Rice Bran Hemicellulose (MGN-3) on Experimental Liver Dysfunction in Rats” 7th Conference of Japanese Association for Dietary Fiber Research, Tokyo, Japan T. Yamada, A. Daizou, K. Poindoglun (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University), K. Egashira, H. Sanada (Department of Bioresources Chemistry, Chiba University) et al |
11.2002 | “Significance of asthmatic mouse model exposed to antigen (Toluene Diisocyanate) for a prolonged period” 52nd Conference of Japanese Society of Allergology, Yokohama, Japan H. Kanbayashi, Y. Endo (McMaster University) |
11.2002 | “Evaluation of the effects of asthma prevention and symptom reduction by enzymatically modified rice-bran foods in asthmatic model mice” 52nd Conference of Japanese Society of Allergology, Yokohama, Japan H. Kanbayashi, Y. Endo (McMaster University) |
11.2002 | “A new approach to regulating cytokine production” The 1st International Symposium of The Institute of Functional Biomaterials and Biotechnology, Seoul, Korea S. Nonoyama (National Defense Medical College) |
10.2002 | “Normalization of the Lymphocyte System in Peripheric Blood Reaction by Arabinoxylan from Rice Bran (MGN-3)” 43rd Annual Meeting, American College of Nutrition, San Antonio, USA Y. Ueda, M. Masada (Chiba University) et al |
10.2002 | “MGN-3 potentiates death receptor-induced apoptosis in cancer cells” 93rd Annual Meeting 2003 of American Association for Cancer Research, Boston, USA Ghoneum M. (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) and S. Gollapudi (University of California Irvine) |
5.2002 | “The effect of stimulation of natural killer cells on anemia of cancer patients” 2002 ASCO Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA Amr A Elsaid (Alexandria University Hospital) et al |
3.2002 | “The effect of modified rice-bran arabinoxylan on NK activity of human peripheral blood lymphocytes” 46th Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry, Sendai, Japan C. Shimomura (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University), Y. Ueda, H. Kodama, M. Masada (Department of Bioresources Chemistry, Chiba University) et al |
3.2002 | “Study on the growth inhibiting component of cancerous cells in culture cell lines derived from modified rice-bran arabinoxylan” 46th Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, Sendai, Japan F. Miyazaki (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University), T. Hashizume (Kazami Co., Ltd), H. Kodama, M.Masada (Department of Bioresources Chemistry, Chiba University) et al |
7.2001 | “Inhibitory effect of MGN-3 on the progress of atopic dermatitis in NC mice” 11th International Congress of Immunology, Stockholm, Sweden S. Nonoyama and L. Lin (Tokyo Medical and Dental University) |
3.2001 | “MGN-3, a Novel Antitumor agent” 92nd Annual Meeting 2001 of American Association for Cancer Research, New Orleans, USA K. Uyemura (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) et al |
12.2000 | “Natural Biological Response Modifier (MGN-3) Shown To Be Effective Against Tumor Cell Growth” 8th International Congress on Anti-Aging & Biomedical Technologies, Las Vegas, USA M.Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
11.2000 | “Evaluation of Multiple Immunotherapies (including Arabinoxylan) Based on NK Cell Activity and CD4/CD8 Ratio in Cancer Patients” The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Complementary & Alternative Medicine & Treatment, Tokyo, Japan K. Takahara (Nishi-Shinjuku Clinic) et al |
10.2000 | “Inhibitory effects of MGN-3 (modified arabinoxylan from rice bran) on free radical” 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Yokohama, Japan T.Saito, H. Ohkami, K. Tsukada, K. Tazawa, H. Namikawa, S. Oida, J. Koike, M.Yatsuzuka (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University), M. Masada (Chiba University) et al |
6.2000 | “The Effect of MGN-3 on Cisplatin and Adriamycin Induced Toxicity in the Rat” American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Boston, USA H. Jacoby, G. Wnorowski (Product Safety Labs), K. Sakata (Creative Strategy, Inc.) et al |
3.2000 | “The Effect of MGN-3 on Cisplatin and Adriamycin Induced Toxicity in the Rat” 101st Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association, San Diego, USA H. Jacoby, G. Wnorowski (Product Safety Labs), K. Sakata (Creative Strategy, Inc.) et al |
12.1999 | “Evaluation of MGN-3 (BioBran) with activation function of NK cell activity on Superoxide Scavenging Activity” 12th Japanese Conference on Bio Therapy, Yokohama, Japan K. Tazawa (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University ) et al |
12.1999 | “Immunostimulation and Cancer Prevention” 7th International Congress on Anti-Aging & Biomedical Technologies, Las Vegas, USA M.Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
12.1999 | “Application of Modified Rice Bran Dietary Fiber to Diabetes and Taste Preference in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats” 2nd International Conference on Food Factors, Kyoto, Japan I. Ohara, K. Onai (Kobe Women’s University) et al |
9.1999 | “Modified Rice Bran Improves Glucose Tolerance in NIDDM Adult Rats Given Streptozocin as Neonates” American College of Nutrition 40th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA I. Ohara, K. Onai (Kobe Women’s University) et al |
7.1999 | “A Case in Which Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Was Used As A Supplemental Treatment When Curing Metastasis To Bones From Lung Cancer” 2nd Conference of Japanese Association for Alternative, Complementary and Traditional Medicine (JACT), Tokyo, Japan T. Sobajima (Hoshigaoka Welfare Annuity Hospital) et al |
7.1999 | “A Study of Active Oxygen Scavenging Activity of MGN-3 (BioBran)” Methods in Kampo Pharmacology, 5th Shirakaba-ko Symposium, Nagano, Japan K. Tazawa (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University ) et al |
12.1998 | “NK Immunorestration of Cancer Patients by MGN-3, a Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (Study of 32 patients followed for up to 4 years)” 6th International Congress on Anti-Aging & Bio-Medical Technologies, Las Vegas, USA M.Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
12.1998 | “Active oxgen radical scavenging activity of the plant polysaccharide processed foodstuff BioBran” 3rd Japanese Society for Food Factors, Tokyo, Japan K. Tazawa (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University ) et al |
10.1998 | “Immunopotentiation by utilization of MGN-3 tissue” Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine, Reno, USA M.Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
9.1998 | “NK cell activity by MGN-3” 26th Academy of Alternative Medicine of Cancer, Los Angeles, USA M.Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
8.1998 | “Synergistic Effect of Modified Arabinoxylane (MGN-3) and Low Dose of Recombinant IL-2 Human NK Cell Activity and TNF-α Production” American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, 1998 East Coast Conference, New Jersey, USA M. Ghoneum and A. Jewett (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
6.1998 | “MGN-3 Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Cancer” The First International Symposium on Disease Prevention by IP6 & Other Rice Components, Kyoto, Japan M.Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
9.1997 | “The Effect of MGN-3, An Arabinoxylan Compound, on Serum Lipid in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats” 38th American Meeting of Nutrition Annual Meeting, New York, USA I. Ohara (Kobe Women’s University) et al |
7.1996 | “Anti-HIV activity by MGN-3 In Vitro” 11th International AIDS Conference, Vancouver, Canada M. Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
6.1996 | “Effect of Human Natural Killer Cell Activity and Interferon-γ Synthesis in vitro” ASBMB/ASIP/AAI JOINT MEETING, New Orleans, USA M. Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) et al |
4.1996 | “NK immunomodulatory function in 27 cancer patients by MGN-3, a modified arabinoxylan from rice bran” 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). Washington DC, USA M. Ghoneum and N. Galal (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |
11.1995 | “Immunomodulatory and Anti-Cancer Properties of (MGN-3), a modified xylose from rice bran, in 5 Patients with Breast Cancer” American Association for Cancer Research Special Conference, Baltimore, USA M.Ghoneum (UCLA/Drew University of Medicine and Science) |