
2019.11.15 Media

“Medical Week Baden-Baden” (Germany)

Daiwa’s business partner in Germany participated in “Medical Week 2019 Baden-Baden”. This event was organized for medical specialists and therapists in the field of naturopathic and complementary medicine, and took place in Baden- Baden (Germany) from October 30 through November 3, 2019.

Daiwa’s business partner in Germany exhibited BioBran and NKCP, and attracted great attention. On November 2, in the conference, Prof. Dr. med. Ben Pfeifer (Aeskulap International AG, Luzern, Schweiz), and Prof. Dr. med. Rupert Handgretinger (Director and Chair Children’s University Hospital, Tübingen, Germany) gave a presentation titled “Immunotherapy Combined with Complementary Oncological Measures: Together We Are Stronger!”. This lecture was very informative and attracted many participants.

Medical Week2019


Medical Week 2019-2