
2021.08.31 Society

Newly published book on BioBran

A book on BioBran was newly published, which is titled “Cancer Treatment Breakthrough”. Dr. Serge Jurasunas N.D. M.D. (PanAm University of Science and Medicine), the author, is an internationally-renowned doctor and researcher who has worked with cancer patients for over fifty years.

Dr. Jerasunas has been in practice for over 50 years as a practitioner and researcher not only in Neuropathic Medicine, but especially in Naturopathic Oncology or Integrative Oncology. In 1978, he opened a large clinic in Portugal where patients from all over the world have been treated. Doctors from several countries have also visited this clinic to study with him. He now serves as Professor of Naturopathic Oncology at the PanAm University of Science and Medicine, and incorporated BioBran in his clinical practices. He has introduced recent case reports and health benefits of BioBran in this book.