Effect of NKCP on blood pressure in patients with lifestyle-related diseases


Masahito Hitosugi et al.

“In this study, the effect of NKCP on blood pressure in patients with lifestyle-related diseases was investigated.
The subjects were 20 patients who regularly visited the hospital for their lifestyle-related disease (hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes). Subjects were divided into two groups and administered either 250 mg/day of NKCP or fermented soya extract for 4 weeks, and followed by a 4-week washout period. Then, the group that had first taken NKCP was given fermented soya extract, and the group that had first taken fermented soya extract was given NKCP for another 4 weeks. Blood pressure was measured before and after ingestion of the test samples, and the average of three measurements was recorded.
As a result, after 4 weeks of NKCP administration, the mean systolic blood pressure significantly decreased from 130.9 mmHg to 120.5 mmHg, and the mean diastolic blood pressure significantly decreased from 72.9 mmHg to 68.6 mmHg. On the other hand, no significant changes were observed in either systolic or diastolic blood pressure in the active placebo group. (figure)
As a conclusion, the use of NKCP may provide additional hypotensive effects for patients receiving medical care for lifestyle-related diseases. These effects of NKCP on blood pressure was most likely due to the unique blood viscosity reduction activity of NKCP, as reported in a previous study.”

Changes in blood pressure before and 4 weeks after administration of NKCP or active placebo (fermented soya extract)

Vertical bars are ± standard error (n=20). Statistically significant differences are *p<0.05, **p<0.01

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