Anticoagulant effect of NKCP in human blood


“The 54th Study Meeting of Rheology 2006; Department of Legal Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine”

Thirty micro litters of the test substance, NKCP, was added to 3mL of venous blood collected from healthy volunteers who had given informed consent, followed by inversion for mixing. The mixture was warmed at 37°C for 250 seconds and centrifuged, and the supernatant was measured for fibrin monomers (FM) indicative of thrombus formation, using a latex immunity analyzer. The concentration of FM was 160 ± 29.3μg/mL after addition of the control physiological saline and 6.0 ± 1.1μg/mL after addition of heparin sodium (0.5IU/mL). After addition of NKCP at concentrations from 0.005mg/mL to 0.5mg/mL, the concentration of FM decreased dose-dependently, but plateaued at 0.05mg/mL.