Prime Aging and Nutrition (Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Dietary Fiber, Vitamins, Minerals)
In the second installment, I would like to talk about prime aging and nutrition, including my experience.
It is a meal that you always eat every day, but most people eat it as a habit or to release stress, etc., and how important the nutrients contained in the meal are, and what you eat makes your body feel Are there few people who are actually aware that it is made? Actually, I used to eat when I wanted to eat what I wanted to eat. (Lol)
For us, eating is the basis of living. What, when, how, and how much to eat is important for achieving healthy and long-lived prime aging. Of course, what and how much nutrients the body needs is different according to the age, constitution, and lifestyle of individuals. Therefore, it is important to know about health conditions and life styles of ourselves. If you do not eat three meals a day, eat fast, eat late, eat under stress, or eat while watching TV, there is a problem with your meal pattern and you will have one day at a fixed time. It is important to chew three meals slowly and well. If you eat to be full, eat up even if you aren’t hungry any more,or frequently eat midnight snacks, you may eat too much to become obese. In these cases, it is necessary to recognize the amount of energy you need, and to become careful to take a nutritionally balanced diet. Additionally, if you like to pour sauce over dishes, prefer oily dishes, meat, noodles, and to drink alcoholic beverages more than 2 bottles of beer or sakes every day, you are at a risk of developing high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and lifestyle-related diseases. Let’s take a look at characteristics and benefits of each nutrient.
As you know, protein is a nutrient that is necessary to grow muscles, skin, hair, nails, blood, and bones. It is also indispensable materials for hormones, neurotransmitters, and immune substances. If protein it is insufficient in the body, such symptoms may develop as growth delay, weak blood vessels, or weak physical strength and immunity. There are 20, kinds of amino acids that make up human bodies, and, 8 of them are not synthesized in the body and need to be taken from foods. Eating food ordinarily increases the body temperature, since it initiates intracellular oxidation. This activity is called Diet Induced Thermogenesis (DIT). Protein is particularly strong in this function compared to lipids and sugars; therefore, it is effective in increasing the body temperature. Additionally, when strong stress is imposed, anti-stress hormones are increasingly secreted, which accelerates the decomposition of proteins. Protein cannot be excessively maintained in the body, unlike fat and sugar, and the excesses are broken down and excreted as urine. Someone use this characteristics of protein to try to go on a diet. In these cases, they eliminate carbohydrate intake, and instead, often take as much protein as they like. It is worried that excessively practicing this method place a burden on kidney. Additionally, we should take protein in well- balanced manner from fish, dairy products, soy- beans, eggs, and grains.
Although lipids tend to be regarded as an undesirable kind of nutrients which is sometimes causes obesity, they are very efficient energy source that generates 9kcal per gram. It also works as a component of hormones and cell membranes, as well as to facilitate absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. When it is insufficient in the body, cerebral hemorrhage and tiredness may highly likely to occur. In addition, there are various kinds of lipids, and n-3 unsaturated fatty acids abundantly contained in blue-back fish is effective in preventing allergies, in lowering triglycerides and cholesterol, and in preventing arteriosclerosis and thrombosis. Fatty acids are easily oxidized, and should be taken together with nutrients that have antioxidant properties, including vitamin E, β-carotene, and vitamin C.
Carbohydrates are the only energy source for the brain. It is categorized into sugars or dietary fiber. Sugars are indispensable for vital activities such as body- temperature maintenance, while dietary fiber prevents constipation by regulating the intestinal environments and suppresses increase in cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Excessive intake of sugar is converted into glycogen in the liver, and stored. Lack of sugar may result in weight loss, tiredness, and poor thinking abilities. The intake of sugar increases blood sugar level, and induces insulin secretion, however, suppressing the rapid absorption of sugar enables you rarely gain weight even if you eat much, by reducing rapid sugar absorption. Fructose, which is contained in fruits, is 1.5 times sweeter than sucrose, and increases the postprandial blood glucose level moderately. However, if you take a large amount of it with soft drinks, it will put a burden on the liver and lead to an increase in advanced glycation end products, so be careful about that point. Lactose also functions to increase good bacteria populations in the intestines.
Dietary fiber is a is very helpful in preventing lifestyle-related diseases. The lack of dietary fiber may cause lifestyle-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia, as well as constipation and obesity. Dietary fiber has other various functions; It moderates the absorption of sugar and suppresses the rise in blood sugar levels; adsorbs unnecessary substances and harmful substances to excretes them from the body; promotes intestinal peristalsis to promote defecation, and prevent eating too much by enhancing the feeling of fullness. In addition, it improves the intestinal environment. Modern diets are excessively rich in energy and poor in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, we should take enough dietary fiber for disease prevention. Dietary fiber is roughly categorized into water-soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber; and animal dietary fiber; the first type is easily soluble in water, while the second and third types are hardly soluble in water. Water-soluble dietary fiber is contained in fruits and seaweeds. This substance absorbs water and becomes gelatinized, and then sticks to sodium to lower blood pressure, adsorbs bile acids to excrete them from the body. It regulates absorption of cholesterol and sugar.
The main component of Daiwa Yakuhin’s BioBran is hemicellulose B, a water-soluble dietary fiber, but the difference from other water-soluble dietary fibers is that it is decomposed by a unique enzyme to make it a unique substance. Hemicellulose B cannot be degraded by our digestive enzymes, so a process of enzymatic degradation is required. BioBlanc is not digested and part of it is in the blood, and the other part activates NK cells, B cells, and macrophages of the immune system through stimulation of Peyer’s patches, and causes immune regulation, allergies, oxidation, inflammation, etc. It has a function of suppressing. As a result, there are many reports on the prevention of colds as well as lifestyle-related diseases, and the reduction of side effects such as vomiting, weight loss, cytopenia, and infection by anticancer drugs, which helps prevent the recurrence of cancer. In fact, even at our hospital, it is said that we have two months to live at other hospitals due to the terminal stage of pancreatic cancer, and there are many people (10 years or more) who are still living well by immunotherapy including bioblanc. I will. Returning to nutrition, insoluble dietary fiber is insoluble in water and absorbs water to increase the bulk of the stool, activate the peristaltic movement of the large intestine, and excrete harmful substances in the intestine. Although it is not well known, chondroitin sulfate, which is a representative of animal dietary fiber contained in shrimp, is said to be involved in calcium metabolism, prevent osteoporosis, and improve joint pain.
Vitamins are nutrients that help the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and help the body function normally. It is water-soluble and fat-soluble, and even if it is taken too much, it will be excreted from the body by urine, but since fat-soluble may cause hypervitaminosis, it is necessary to be careful not to take too much supplement. Since B vitamins and K are synthesized by good bacteria in the intestine, if constipation continues, the intestinal environment deteriorates and the ability to synthesize vitamins also declines.
Minerals, like vitamins, are not an energy source, but they are essential nutrients for the body’s constituents and health. There are 16 kinds of minerals that are essential for humans, and there are harmful effects whether they are deficient or excessive. Zinc deficiency may cause dysgeusia, and calcium or magnesium deficiency may osteoporosis. It is well known that taking too much sodium (salt) can lead to high blood pressure.
Now that we’ve talked about each nutrient, it’s also very important to decide which nutrient to take at what time. Your body will change just by living with the nutritional needs of each generation in mind.
For example, infants have an immature digestive function, so avoid irritants such as high-fiber and spicy foods that are difficult to digest, and take enough energy, protein, and lipids so that vitamin C, calcium, iron, and zinc are not deficient. Is necessary. Also, if you eat a lot of the same foods at once as a child, or if you eat the same foods every day, you are likely to have allergic symptoms, so it is necessary to eat a good balance from various foods. Females lose blood during the period of menstruation every month, therefore, they should take enough nutrients including iron, protein, and folic acid, that are used to form red blood cells in order to prevent anemia. When nutritional balance is disturbed by an extreme diet, menstruation may become irregular or ovulation may be suspended. They also experience a sharp decrease in bone mass, when menopause comes to them. During this period, it is also important to take required amount of calcium. Males in the secondary sexual characteristics need to consume enough energy and protein in order to take in sufficient minerals including calcium and magnesium, which are nutrition required to build the skeleton and muscles. When you start working, and start living independently in one’s own home, you may skip your breakfast when busy, or may rely on eating out which contain much meat and less vegetables. Additionally, your lifestyle may be sometimes disturbed due to meetings or events. When we become the age of 30s, our basal metabolic rate decreases. Therefore, we are likely to become obese, if we continue previous lifestyle. In our 40s, we are highly exposed to stress at work and home, and suffer from mental and physical fatigue. It is required to regularly check our health conditions, and to review our eating habits. Even if you don’t look fat, excessive consumption of fat and salt may cause high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and increase the risk of cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction. After the age of 50s, many females suffer from menopause. Their estrogen secretion decreases, and such symptoms of unidentified complaint as depression, severe stiff shoulder, or fatigue may occur. In addition, osteoporosis and hyperlipidemia are likely to develop. It is necessary to raise the basal metabolic rate by taking enough calcium, by taking a walk, and by avoiding high- cholesterol diet. Males also experience menopause. Its symptoms including depression and fatigue, however, can be reduced by sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals. In addition, phytochemicals with strong antioxidant activities, including polyphenols, isoflavones, carotenoids are required, since are effective in preventing cancer and lifestyle-related diseases. It is very important to maintain our health conditions in order to prepare ourselves to enjoy our old-age lives. In our 70s, we experience the decline of physical strength with aging. The pace of aging varies considerably among individuals, which means great individual differences are found in physical ages. Various physical changes may occur to us; outward changes such as declining skin resilience and hair loss, and internal changes like bone mass decreases which may lead to fractures, high blood pressure caused by progress of arteriosclerosis due to decreased blood vessel elasticity, and worsening of diabetes. Although our energy demand decreases as we age, we still need as much protein, vitamins, and mineral as when we were young. Instead of reviewing and changing our lifestyles after we get sick, we should preventively measure against diseases.
I myself take several dietary supplements not only BioBran, including minerals such as vitamins, zinc and folic acid, and DHA, reishi mushroom, maca and spirulina every morning.